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Welcome to Chattanooga Friends

Chattanooga Friends Meeting is part of the Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as Quakers. Our Meeting For Worship is unprogrammed. We meet at 10 am every Sunday for about an hour, break for refreshments, then reconvene for “Second Hour”. See the Events page for our schedule. Third Sunday is Meeting for Eating, or potluck lunch. We always have plenty, including vegetarian options. You and your family are invited to join us. Children are welcome to participate in Meeting For Worship and they are welcome at First Day School.

What to expect

There is no pastor or priest. Friends gather in silence to seek divine guidance and listen to the Inner Light. During worship, one may be inspired to speak from the heart. This is our ministry. There is a living stillness that has great power. Anyone of any age may minister. Spoken ministry comes from the spiritual depths of the collective worship, and a humbling sense that it must be shared.

The Meetinghouse is at 335 Crestway Drive, Chattanooga, TN  37411. If you have any questions, our phone number is 423.629.2580. Messages are answered weekly by members of the Meeting. Email us at or contact us through our Facebook page here. A real person will reply promptly.

Chattanooga Friends Meeting Mission Statement

Nurture individual experience and understanding of the Inward Light and each person’s spiritual journey based on historic Quaker faith.

Cultivate personal, meeting, and wider community awareness and active practice of core Quaker values including simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, stewardship, and speaking truth to power.

Open to All

As an open and affirming congregation, Chattanooga Friends Meeting celebrates diversity in race, gender, sexual orientation, abilities, age, class, marital status, opinion and religious background. We trust this spiritual leading as we seek new understanding of truth and we welcome all who wish to join us in this search.

Quaker Dictionary

Meeting? Friends? Unprogrammed? Check out our Quaker Dictionary for the meanings behind the words we use.

Meeting House at 335 Crestway Drive

Contact Us

Phone: 423.629.2580

335 Crestway Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37411

Unprogrammed Meeting every Sunday 10am

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